I know I said I would finish off this 3 part article series about Steven Spielberg last week but I've been very busy working on my upcoming movie Bend & Break and a few other personal projects.
However, I'm back and I'd like to discuss Steven Spielberg's last two tips on becoming a film director.
4. Push Your Limits
“Human beings have a need to get close to the edge, and when filmmakers or writers can take them to the edge, it feels like a dream where you're falling, but you wake up just before you hit the ground,” says Spielberg.
Until 1993, Spielberg's palette of film work was mostly rooted in the world of make-believe. From a monstrous man eating shark to a lovable alien, Spielberg had not really ventured into any film projects that tackled tough, provocative, real life issues. Like a serious real life drama.
All the changed when Spielberg decided to push his personal and professional limits and direct Schindler's List.
“Schindler’s List changed my life completely,” said Spielberg
Steven Spielberg had the personal conviction and courage to tackle the difficult issue of Jewish concentration camps in Nazi Germany World War II. Stretching himself beyond his limits earn him a Best Director Oscar for his work on Schindler's List and respect from his filmmaking friends and peers.
5. Follow Your Passion
“The only time I’m totally happy is when I’m watching films or making them,” says Spielberg.
What else can I say. When you think Steven Spielberg,you automatically think movies. More than any other determining factor: talent, contacts, money or resources. Your passion is paramount.
All great human achievements on this earth both past,present and future are born from passion. Those who have a passion for something are willing to do whatever it takes. When you are willing to do whatever it takes...you can be,do or have anything you want.
“I’d love to build a company that will continue to make movies well beyond me someday,” says Spielberg.