I'm continuing where I left off last about Steven Spielberg's TOP 5 TIPS to become a film director. Let's jump right into in.
2. Know Where to Draw the Line
“You can’t dictate creativity to someone else, and if you do, the project fails,” says Robert Zemeckis, director of such hits as Back to the Future and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. “Steven understands that, which is why we all want to work with him.”
Steven Spielberg is known throughout Hollywood as a man who knows what he wants and that usually means doing things his way.
Well, who could blame him?
With countless blockbuster hits and a few Oscars mounted in his trophy case, doing it the Spielberg way is almost guaranteed money in the bank.
Despite the amount of control that Spielberg likes to have over all aspects of his film, he also knows where to draw the line. When directing actors, he gives the experienced ones the room they need to manoeuver and the freedom to do so, typically only stepping in if he is working with less proven talent.
It takes a strong person to not overuse and abuse their power. Even successful people like Spielberg must know their limits.
3. Find Inspiration Around You
“My mom and dad gave me free reign at expressing myself, up to and including torturing all of my sisters,” he said. “They were my first audience.”
From an early age, Steven Spielberg took every opportunity to turn simple everyday situations into something more fascinating and imaginative for his own amusement.
“It was like, wow, great affirmation, you know, that I had told a story that had somehow succeeded.”
The genius to Spielberg's work lies deep within himself. He's a man who never wanted to let go of his childlike imagination and curious nature for telling stories that appeal to the kid in all of us.
"When I grow up, I still want to be a director" - Steven Spielberg.
How many times have you ever had an idea for a movie or flash of creative inspiration? Only to let your inner critic quickly convince you that your hunches were silly and frivolous.
Steven Spielberg claims people don't daydream enough.
I once saw Steven Spielberg being interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show (promoting his movie Amistad) and he boldly told the audience that constantly following your intuition is the seed to greatness.
I will finish off this three part article about Spielberg's tips for becoming a film director, later this week.