As I continue to do my "read one good book a week" route I read a book that once again tested my beliefs and has changed the way I think about certain things. Don't you love those kind of books?
The book is called Mentored by a Millionaire:Master Strategies of Super Achievers by Steven K. Scott. The book talks about how there are 15 important strategies that superstar individuals like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg all use to experience uncanny success in their career and business.
The chapter that had the most influence on me was the strategy of "effective partnering". Basically, effective partnering is when you work closely with a mentor, advisor, key employees, consultants, lenders, legal partner who compliments your weaknesses with their strengths towards achieving a goal. Based on decades of research about success, this is a quick explanation from the book:
Below-average person
Someone who tries to achieve success all on their own...when obstacles appear, they quit.
Average person
These people pursue modest, realistic goals for their life and only partner with others when its absolute necessary. Most of these people believe that the only way to get something done is to do it yourself.
Someone who sets and pursue goals that are so lofty that the only way they could possibly achieve them was to partner with other people.
Once I read this, my mind started racing. For virtually all my life I have adopted the mindset of the "below-average & average" person. But now I've changed.
What about you? What category do you fall into?
To further prove the truth behind effective partnering. Take I look at the background of any super successful filmmaker (or person) and I'll be willing to bet that the moment they effectively partnered with others was the moment their careers began skyrocketing towards greatness. I look at my mentors and see Ang Lee who was a struggling, unknown filmmaker until he partnered with writer/producer James Schamus. Since their partnership Ang Lee's films have been nominated for 27 Oscars, winning 8 including Best Director.
It is clear that when two or more people work together in harmony towards a common goal...magic happens.