This part is straight off the Without a Box site:
Get your own IMDb Title Page
IMDb wants to help you publicize and promote your movie as soon as it's ready for the world, not just after you've won recognition for it. Now, when you submit your project to a Withoutabox Partner Festival, you will be invited by email to create a Title Page on IMDb, the most recognized and trafficked movie site in the world.
Please note that certain festivals and types of films are not eligible for IMDb Title Pages, but the great majority are. You will be notified automatically if your submission is eligible, once it has been received by the festival.
If you already have a Title Page for your project, that's great. Just enter the URL in the Publicity: Website form when setting up any project on Withoutabox - and the "match" will immediately be made.
If this method (which is much faster than the one mentioned on one of my posted in Feb.2009) interests you then you just go to the Without a Box website, created your free account and then look for the IMDb Qualifying section which by submitting to one of a list of film festivals qualifies your film to get an IMDb Title Page!